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Myth Debunking Season One Compilation

Discerning fact from fiction in the renewable energy industry can sometimes be quite a challenge.

The internet's accessibility and media sensationalism have made it all too easy for myths to spread, even in our industry. From social media influencers exaggerating the costs of solar panels to blog posts highlighting unfounded health concerns about wind turbines, it's clear that misconceptions are widespread.

In the later half of this year, we began our first season of myth debunking, where we took an objective look at the many myths surrounding renewable energy to separate truth from fiction.

In this blog, we will compile all the myths that we have debunked this year.

  • Myth 1: “Wind Turbines Kill Birds”

Wind turbines have been associated with some bird deaths, but it's crucial to note that, out of every 10,000 bird fatalities, approximately half result from building and window collisions.

Specifically, less than 0.01% can be directly connected to wind turbines.

In comparison, domestic cats in the UK are responsible for tens of millions of bird deaths annually. So, while bird collisions with wind turbines do occur, the overall numbers remain relatively low.

  • Myth 2: “Solar Panels Don’t Work in Cold or Cloudy Weather”

While solar panels operate most efficiently under direct sunlight, they continue to generate energy even in cold, cloudy, or snowy conditions. Unlike some misconceptions, solar panels don't rely on heat to produce energy; instead, they convert the sun's radiation into electricity.

Notably, solar panels served as the primary energy source for early Mars rovers, highlighting their versatility in generating energy from even the cold expanse of space!

  • Myth 3: “Hydropower Plants Ruin The Land”

Hydropower plants can have a positive impact on the surrounding environment. The reservoirs in these plants can become safe havens for freshwater fish, insects, and vegetation.

Additionally, the controlled release of water from these plants can mitigate flood risk during heavy rainfall and benefit crops in irrigated areas downstream.

Although land will be reshaped during the construction of new hydro plants, once built, the benefits that they bring to the land and its inhabitants significantly outweigh any initial disruptions.

  • Myth 4: “Anaerobic Digestion Is Just For Agriculture”

While anaerobic digestion has traditionally been linked with the agricultural sector, its applications extend far beyond that.

In the UK, the food and drink industry generates a significant amount of waste, totalling about 16 millions tonnes each year. This substantial waste presents an ideal opportunity to serve as a resource for power generation at AD facilities.

AD stands out as the best choice for sustainable food waste management as it not only addresses the issue of waste but also produces renewable energy and biofertiliser.

  • Myth 5: “Wind Turbines Create Noise Pollution”

Wind turbines have been known to produce noise that can sometimes disturb nearby houses and wildlife. To address this, turbines are typically positioned at least 300 metres away from residential areas, limiting the audible noise to 43 decibels.

Houses at 500 metres experience only 38 decibels which is quieter than the hum of a fridge!

Research into further noise reduction is ongoing, with one proposal taking inspiration from the structure of owl feathers to serrate the tips of wind turbine blades to reduce noise.

Closing Comment:

Throughout this campaign, we've explored several industry myths, aiming to clarify misconceptions and distinguish fact from fiction within our sector.

Stay tuned for the second season of myth debunking next year!

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